Freethought is a philosophical view which holds that positions regarding truth should be formed on the basis of logic, reason, and empiricism, in particular, freethought is strongly tied with rejection of traditional religious belief.
“Everyone has a personal journey of discovery.”
K. Freethinker
Kingman Freethinkers is a nonpartisan, nonprophet, secular social group formed to help us along that journey through education, advocacy, outreach, community service and fellowship. To promote open inquiry, critical thinking, logic and reason. To support the separation of Church and State. To advocate and defend a nonreligious lifestance rooted in science, naturalistic philosophy, and humanist ethics and to serve and support adherents of that lifestance. To promote fellowship and community among like-minded individuals. That we can, without theism or other supernatural belief, develop our ability and responsibility to lead ethical lives of personal fulfillment that aspire to the greater good of humanity as we see that good to be. And have fun doing it.
We are not just Atheists. If you identify as a nonbeliever or secular we encourage you to Follow Us on Facebook.
Get involved. Come to a meeting. There is strength in numbers! Kingman Freethinkers are the only local affiliate of American Atheists and the Secular Coalition in Mohave County, Arizona. We are also closely aligned with American Humanist Association, Freedom From Religion Foundation and Americans United for Separation of Church and State so that we may be more informed and better participants securing our secular future.
Someone asked us “Are you a Church?” LEARN MORE